
Hans Gál

Das Lied der Nacht

World pre­mie­re record­ing, nomi­na­ted for Opus Klas­sik 2019

Ralph Ertel, Gritt Gnauck, Lina Liu, Susann Vent-Wun­der­lich, Rhys Jenkins, Oli­ver Wei­din­ger, Opern­chor des Thea­ters Osnabrück
Osna­brü­cker Sym­pho­nie­or­ches­ter
Andre­as Hotz (Diri­gent)

Label: cpo

nomi­na­ted for the Opus Klas­sik 2019

…a spec­ta­cu­lar discovery



Sound excerp­ts

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Chris­ti­an Wil­helm Westerhoff

Vio­la Con­cer­tos & Flu­te Concerto

World pre­mie­re recording

Bar­ba­ra Bun­t­rock (Vio­la)
Gaby Pas-Van Riet (Flu­te)
Osna­brü­cker Sym­pho­nie­or­ches­ter
Andre­as Hotz (con­duc­tor)

Label: cpo

With fea­ther-light sway, the orches­tra shows ever­ything with inspi­ring light­ness and deli­ca­te rich­ness of emo­ti­ons from the score.

Klas­sik Heu­te recommendation


Sound excerp­ts

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Intrepid yet pro­found (…) A vehe­ment start.

Neue Osna­brü­cker Zeitung