Hyp­no­tism from the orches­tra pit.

Frank­fur­ter All­ge­mei­ne Zeitung

Intrepid yet pro­found (…) A vehe­ment start.

Neue Osna­brü­cker Zeitung

Hyp­no­tism from the orches­tra pit.”

Frank­fur­ter All­ge­mei­ne Zeitung

Intrepid yet pro­found (…) A vehe­ment start.”

Neue Osna­brü­cker Zeitung

The ener­gy and enthu­si­asm that deter­mi­nes my life, comes from the score. The beau­ty of music is dri­ving me every day.

Andre­as Hotz

The ener­gy and enthu­si­asm that deter­mi­nes my life, comes from the score. The beau­ty of music dri­ves me by its­elf every day.
Andre­as Hotz


May 12 2024

Sen­za san­gue / Her­zog Blau­barts Burg

von Péter Eöt­vös / Béla Bartók

Musi­ka­li­sche Lei­tung: Andre­as Hotz
Insze­nie­rung: Ulrich Mokrusch

Thea­ter Osnabrück


100 years Osnabrück Sym­pho­ny Orchestra

100 years Osnabrück Sym­pho­ny Orchestra

In Decem­ber 2019 the Osnabrück Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra cele­bra­tes their 100 year anni­ver­s­a­ry with a spe­cial con­cert. Andre­as Hotz will per­form works by Schu­mann, Gla­nert, Wag­ner, Bruck­ner and others, plea­se check the full pro­gram HERE.

Artis­tic Direc­tor Andre­as Hotz hea­ves his late Roman­tic dra­ma out of the orches­tra pit so power­ful­ly that merely lis­tening to it is a pleasure.


“Artis­tic Direc­tor Andre­as Hotz hea­ves his late Roman­tic dra­ma out of the orches­tra pit so power­ful­ly that merely lis­tening to it is a pleasure.”