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Date(s) — Aug. 23 2024
19:30 — 22:00

Kate­go­rien Kei­ne Kategorien 

Martinů’s The Greek Pas­si­on – an ope­ra about a refu­gee cri­sis and the rele­van­ce of Chris­ti­an values ​​– is the ope­ra of the time. From being for­got­ten for deca­des, The Greek Pas­si­on is now sta­ged all over the world, pro­ving once again that the ope­ra gen­re can help ask the most dif­fi­cult ques­ti­ons. In Den Jys­ke Opera’s pro­duc­tion, Martinů’s over­whel­ming music, with its huge cho­ral ele­ments, will also inclu­de real refu­gees in order to chal­len­ge the bounda­ry bet­ween rea­li­ty and fiction.

Con­duc­tor: Andre­as Hotz

The Danish Natio­nal Opera
Aar­hus Con­cert Hall